Helena the Happy Hippo: How Helena becomes happier … and you can too!
Helena is usually a happy hippo, but today she wakes up with a frown instead of a smile. How can she feel cheerful again?
Join Helena on her quest to become happy again as she asks for help from her parents, her friends, and even her teacher.
This uplifting book is perfect to teach kids about perseverance, asking for help, and all the little ways we can feel good again when we’re down.
On the last page, children have a list of idea that they can turn to when they feel upset and they can add their own. A great way o teach young children that feeling upset is normal and give them resources to feel supported and empowered so they can feel better.
Recommended Ages: 5-8 yrs old.
Ivy’s ice cream
Read about Ivy’s adventures in her quest to get her favourite flavour of ice cream: chocolate vanilla swirl with cookie crunch. Nothing can stop her: not having enough money, missing the ice cream truck, or her ice cream flavor not being sold anymore.
Fun and entertaining, this is a must-have book for children and parent to learn about perseverance, parent encouragement, and not giving up on your dreams.
The author strongly recommends reading this book while enjoying a huge bowl of your favourite flavour of ice cream.
Recommended Ages: 5-8 yrs old.